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Shenzhen Changyu Times Technology Co., Ltd
Rating si Pareri
0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3579 din 3579 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2010
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    Fii primul care lasa o parere. Ne va ajuta sa promovam pe Bizoo doar firme cu produse si servicii de calitate.
Scrie o parere
Shenzhen Changyu Times Technology Co., Ltd Shenzhen Changyu Times Technology Co., Ltd 86-755-83234097 Room401B,203Unit, Chegongmiao, Shenzhen, -
Produse si servicii

used Cisco, Cisco device, Cisco router, Cisco firewall

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere

Europa de Vest

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2010!
Shenzhen Changyu Times Technology Co.,Ltd has been providing a unique blend of used and refurbished Cisco products and services to the international business community since 2003. Our company is about people and developing trusted relationships.

Flexibility is key to our success and this enables us to provide the most effective solution tailored individually for each customer. We provide sensible and reliable advice at a business and technical level. We work closely with manufacturers to bring effective solutions to customers.

With long term goals and relationshipswe become trusted advisors - responses to independent marketing and references from customers testify to this. Our teams are well trained, skilled, long-cientious and motivated on your behalf.
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